ID 93610
College of Nursing Sciences, Tudun Wada, Kaduna State 2025-(2026 Is Out now. Call O9078816209 now for details. The Management of the School hereby inform the general public on the sales of the general Nursing Admission form into the School of Nursing and 27 ლარი




[email protected]

დეტალური ინფორმაცია

მცხეთა – მთიანეთი

ბოლო ვადა: 31 დეკემბერი 2026


College of Nursing Sciences, Tudun Wada, Kaduna State 2025-(2026 Is Out now. Call O9078816209 now for details. The Management of the School hereby inform the general public on the sales of the general Nursing Admission form into the School of Nursing and also the sales of two (2) years Post Basic Nursing Programme. Contact the school Admin. DR MRS GRACE A. A on 09078816209 for more details on how to purchase the form and register online.