ID 47488
High Purity Tetracaine raw powder Tetracaine hcl Tetracaine hydrochloride from china manufacturer 200 ლარი




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Tetracaine hydrochloride, also known as tetracaine HCl, is the hydrochloride salt form of tetracaine. It is a local anesthetic medication used for its numbing effects. Here are some important points about tetracaine hydrochloride:

Local Anesthetic: Tetracaine hydrochloride belongs to the class of drugs known as local anesthetics. It works by blocking nerve signals in the area where it is applied, leading to temporary loss of sensation or pain.

Uses: Tetracaine hydrochloride is primarily used topically to provide local anesthesia. It is commonly used in ophthalmology to numb the eye for procedures such as eye examinations, surgeries, or the removal of foreign objects. It may also be used to numb the skin or mucous membranes for various dermatological, dental, or minor surgical procedures.

Formulation: Tetracaine hydrochloride is available in various formulations, including eye drops, ointments, gels, or sprays. The specific form and concentration of tetracaine hydrochloride will depend on the intended use and the recommendation of the healthcare professional.

Duration of Action: Tetracaine hydrochloride has a relatively long duration of action compared to some other local anesthetics. Its effects typically last for a few hours, depending on the specific formulation and concentration used.

Administration: Tetracaine hydrochloride should be used as directed by a healthcare professional. It is important to follow the recommended dosage and application instructions. It is typically applied to the affected area in the appropriate form and concentration.

Precautions: Tetracaine hydrochloride should be used with caution, and individuals with a known hypersensitivity to tetracaine or other local anesthetics should avoid its use. It should not be used in large amounts or for a prolonged duration without medical supervision. Adverse reactions or sensitivities to tetracaine hydrochloride can occur, and it's important to report any unusual or severe side effects to a healthcare professional.

Professional Administration: Tetracaine hydrochloride should be administered by healthcare professionals who are experienced in local anesthesia techniques. Self-medication or using tetracaine hydrochloride obtained from unreliable sources is strongly discouraged.

It's important to note that the use of tetracaine hydrochloride should be based on the specific recommendations and prescriptions of a healthcare professional. They can provide personalized advice, consider the individual's health condition, and address any concerns regarding its use.