ID 2239
წლიური საგრანტო კონკურსი


DAI USAID საჯარო მმა

დეტალური ინფორმაცია


თანდართული ფაილი:


"DAI USAID საჯარო მმართველობის პროგრამა" აცხადებს წლიურ საგრანტო კონკურსს.

განაცხადის შემოტანის საბოლოო ვადაა 2024 წლის 26 ნოემბერი.

იხილეთ ამ განცხადების სრული ტექსტი ინგლისურ ენაზე. 

The USAID National Governance Program, through USAID implementing partner DAI Global, is announcing its Annual Program Statement for Awarding of Grants as a multi-phased co-creation process to identify and select eligible applications from non-governmental organizations in support of the Program`s overall purpose of more citizen-responsive governance based on greater accountability, transparency, and institutional independence. This purpose includes strengthening the "demand-side" of citizen responsive governance and empowering Georgian civil society and the private sector to demand more accountability of governance institutions.

This APS is seeking applicants to propose creative and effective approaches to enhance transparency, accountability, and efficiency of governance and oversight institutions, while empowering citizens to actively participate in decision-making processes.

DAI on behalf of USAID anticipates awarding multiple grants up to GEL 250, 000 each during the term of the APS to fund successful concept papers submitted in response to this APS.

Competition for this APS will be open from May 13, 2024 to November 26, 2024. All concept papers for review in the first round of evaluations are due by May 28, 2024.

Questions for First Round of Evaluations Due By: May 20, 2024

Questions should be submitted by email to: [email protected]

Deadline for Submission of First Round Concept Papers: 28 May 2024

Concept papers should be submitted by email to: [email protected]